About CBN

The CBN is a National Network for Brownfield Practitioners and Stakeholders

The CBN was officially launched on March 1, 2004 and was created in response to recommendations in the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy's National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy for Canada. The CBN was founded by the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA) and the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI).  It was federally incorporated in 2009 and now operates as an independent, autonomous not-for-profit national organization.

The CBN operates with a Board of Directors providing the framework and structure for daily operations. The CBN executives include members from the founding organizations. The vision of the CBN is that brownfield property reuse be the preferred solution by developers.


Increase CBN capacity
Develop solutions to facilitate brownfields redevelopment
Enhance membership value

Creation of a National Network

The CBN has developed strategic alliances with environmental industry associations and organizations across Canada that have a vested interest in brownfields redevelopment, in order to create a truly national Canadian network. Please see Support Organizations for an up to date list of supporters. There are no costs associated with becoming a support organization. Interested organizations are encouraged to participate in the CBN and contact us for more information.

Introducing CBN's Corporate Members
  • Geosyntec Consultants
  • Vertex Environmental
© 2025 Canadian Brownfields Network. All rights reserved.