CBN Committees

CBN relies on the work of the dedicated volunteers who make up our committees to accomplish many of our day-to-day initiatives.  We have six standing committees:

  • Communication:  This committee is responsible for the majority of communication with members, stakeholders and the public, including social media (LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook), the website, and email (the newsletter, member updates and member newsflashes).  The committee is co-chaired by Andrew Macklin of WSP Canada and Brian Eastcott of ERIS (Environmental Risk Information Service).
  • Development: A new committee proposed in our Five-Year Strategy (2020-2025). This committee is responsible for raising the profile of developing brownfields as a first market choice for the real estate industry by advancing strategies and policies for overcoming barriers and unlocking opportunities associated with brownfield redevelopment in Canada.  This committee is co-chaired by Joanna Vince of Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP and David Wong of EnVision Consultants Ltd.
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI): Chaired by Reanne Ridsdale, PhD Candidate, Toronto Metropolitan University, this committee is responsible for implementing various aspects of the CBN's EDI Policy.
  • Government Relations:  This committee is responsible for outreach to governments at all three levels.  Some of this effort is focused on creating awareness of the brownfield agenda and of CBN, and some of it (often in conjunction with the Technical Advisory Committee) is responding to requests for comment or public consultations on proposed legislative or regulatory changes. This committee is chaired Judy Lam, Manager, and Phil Caldwell, Senior Project Manager, with the Commercial Districts and Small Business Section, Economic Development Division, City of Hamilton.
  • Membership: Chaired by Carl Spensieri, of Berkley Canada, this committee is primarily responsible for member recruitment and retention, our annual membership drive and keeping member needs at the heart of the decisions we make.
  • Technical Advisory (TAC): Chaired by Peter Sutton of Terrapex and Jason Hudson of Stantec, TAC monitors the development and implementation of legislative and regulatory changes, mainly at the provincial level.  The committee has members in all Canadian regions; they report on changes in their regions at each meeting.  TAC also replies to requests for comment or public consultations, often in partnership with the Government Relations Committee.

In addition, CBN has three ad hoc committees:

  • Brownie Awards:  CBN has been presenting the Brownie Awards in partnership with Actual Media since 2016.  This committee solicits nominations, appoints and supports the judges’ panel and, together with Actual Media, promotes the event. The selection committee is lead this year by Chris De Sousa of Toronto Metropolitan University, School of Urban and Regional Planning.
  • Conference:  The Conference Committee organizes all aspects of the annual CBN conference, from identifying a theme to arranging speakers to promotion to members and other stakeholders. This committee is led by Andrew Macklin of WSP Canada.
  • HUB Awards:  This committee manages the HUB (Heroes Underpinning Brownfields) Awards program, inaugurated in 2016.  This includes soliciting and evaluating nominations and selecting the winners. This commitee is lead by Tanisha Monster of Milestone Environmental Contracting Inc.

All our committees would welcome your help.  If you are interested in joining a committee (or supporting one in another way), please contact the CBN office.

Introducing CBN's Corporate Members
  • Geosyntec Consultants
  • Vertex Environmental
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