
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 (EDT)

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9:00 am - 9:30 am

New Member Orientation Meeting (by Invitation)


Geared toward new members, this orientation provides an overview of CBN. This is an introduction to the executive team, and the various committees, benefits and resources.  Open to all members . Just download the calendar invite below and see you in the Zoom!

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9:30 am - 10:00 am


10:00 am - 11:00 am

Annual General Meeting


We are pleased to advise that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Canadian Brownfields Network will be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 10:00am EDT via Zoom.  Open to both members and non-members (please note only members can vote). 

Download the invite:
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Via Zoom
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Conference Pre-Show - Lab Tour & Networking (Sponsored by SiREM and QM Environmental)


SiREM Lab Tour
Come join Sandra Dworatzek, Principal Scientist at SIREM, for a virtual tour of the lab.  Definitely not a commercial analytical laboratory, SiREM is a unique lab offering products and services to support remediation technology evaluation and application. See how your site materials can be tested to evaluate technology feasibility through bench scale treatability tests, where molecular genetic testing can tell you about the potential for bioremediation, where bioaugmentation cultures are growth and products to support passive sampling of air and sediment.


Sandra Dworatzek, Principal Scientist, SiREM

QM Presentation

The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) is successfully collaborating with all project stakeholders to safely move Project CLEANS (Cleanup of Abandoned Northern Sites) forward in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Via HopIn
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Conference Kickoff – Brownfields 2021 and Beyond

The world saw a lot of change in 2020-2021, with many businesses and industries having to quickly adjust to an ever-evolving situation. What has this meant for brownfields work, and what will it mean going forward? A panel of industry experts will explore the issues and opportunities emerging out of one crazy year that changed the world!
Tammy Lomas-Jylha, Executive Director, Canadian Brownfields Network (co-moderator)
Christopher De Sousa, Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Ryerson University (co-moderator)
Michael Jacobs, CEO, Cambium Indigenous Professional Services (CIPS) Inc.
Barbara Daly, Sr. Project Manager, City of Edmonton
Whelan Sutherland, CEO, Treaty 1 (Peguis First Nation)
Pete Craig, Director of Project Innovation, QM Environmental
John Georgakopoulos B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., LL.B., Partner, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
Carl Spensieri, VP, Environment, Berkley Canada
Via HopIn
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 (EDT)
Time Session title
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

Orientation and Networking


Your opportunity to access the event platform, set up your profile and begin networking with other attendees

1:00 pm - 1:10 pm

Welcome & Presidents Message

1:10 pm - 1:50 pm

Case Studies – Agile Brownfield Development

While challenges at brownfield sites can seem unique and site-specific, they are rarely experienced only once. What issues do your sites have and who might already have established an innovative solution? Don’t reinvent the wheel! Learn from experience in this review of lessons learned and novel approaches to site redevelopment.
Krista Barfoot, Principal, Stantec (moderator)
Prasoon Adhikari, Supervisor, Environmental Engineering, City of Guelph
Shannon Richardson, Principal, GHD 
Joanna Pesta, Manager, Programming & Events, Calgary Municipal Land Corporation 
Josh Sartorelli, PMP, Project Manager, Calgary Municipal Land Corporation 
1:50 pm - 2:05 pm

Break - Networking Speed Meetings (Sponsored by Milestone)

Want to a chance to network with other attendees at the event?  Sharpen your elevator pitch for these fast paced one-on-one business meetings!  Click the "Ready" button to be paired with another attendee.  Watch the clock, and simply click the button to share business card contact information to catch up again later.
2:05 pm - 2:50 pm

Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Brownfields Planning, Development, and Finance

A review of brownfield redevelopment challenges from a planning, development, and finance perspective will set the stage for a lively panel conversation.  Come hear what municipal, development, lender, and international practitioners have to say about their experience overcoming brownfield challenges and what is needed to further innovate
Chris De Sousa, President, Canadian Brownfields Network & Professor, Ryerson School of Urban and Regional Planning, Ryerson University (co-moderator)
Melissa Walker, Director, Development, Kilmer Brownfield Equity Fund (co-moderator)
Peter Ellis, Principal Planner, Region of Waterloo
Alex Speigel, Partner, Windmill Development Group
James Evans, Sr Manager, Environmental Risk, RBC
Jim Tischler, Development Director, Michigan Land Bank Authority
2:50 pm - 3:20 pm

Breakout Sessions

Synergies and Solutions for Complex Sites:Benefits of Combining In Situ Chemical Oxidation with In Situ Stabilization
In situ solidification/stabilization (ISS) has been used at many manufactured gas plant (MGP), brownfield, and Superfund sites. ISS mixes cementitious reagents with contaminated soils reducing the  bioavailability and leachability of contaminants.  ISS can also be optimized to control  certain ll soil characteristics, such as compressive soil strength and reduce hydraulic conductivity. Various reagents are used to promote ISS including Portland cement, blast furnace slag, lime kiln dust, etc.

ISS is often applied at highly contaminated petroleum hydrocarbon sites decreasing the leachability of BTEX, naphthalene (NAP) and other organic contaminant in soil. Cementation reactions also decrease hydraulic conductivity (K), which diverts groundwater flow away from the solidified/stabilized soil. ISS treatment also increases unconfined compressive strength (UCS), often critical for redevelopment.

However, high concentrations of organic contaminant can interfere with cementation reactions requiring excessive application of amendments increasing both amendment and disposal costs of the displaced soil.  This ISS limitation can be minimized by utilizing a NOVEL combined remedy approach like In Situ Chemical Oxidation to degrade some of the organic contaminants present.

ISCO combined with ISS has been found to be able to achieve the same or better leachability and compressive soil strength values with less overall reagent addition and displaced soils.  Combining one or more remediation technology generates synergies by exploiting the strengths and minimizing the weak- nesses inherent in individual technologies. When successful, combining remedies enhances performance and/or reduces costs compared to each technology used alone.


Jean Paré, P. Eng., Vice-President – Sales & Marketing, Chemco inc.


Randle Reef (Hamilton Harbour) Abstract

Randle Reef (Hamilton Harbour Area of Concern (AOC), Lake Ontario is the largest Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated sediment site (695,000 m3) on the Canadian side of the Great Lakes and in all of Canada. The $138.9 M remediation project involves the completion of three stages of construction to manage PAH and heavy metal contaminated sediments.  The project is being led by Environment and Climate Change Canada and is funded by Canada, Ontario, the City of Hamilton, the Hamilton Oshawa Port Authority (HOPA), Stelco, the City of Burlington and the Regional Municipality of Halton.  Stage 1 involves constructing a 6.2 hectare engineered containment facility (ECF) around the most severely contaminated sediments.  Stage 2 is the hydraulic dredging of surrounding contaminated sediments and placement of the dredged sediment within the ECF.  Stage 3 involves capping of the ECF and consolidation of the dredged sediment contained within.  The completion of all three stages of the project is scheduled to take eight years.  Stage 1 construction of the ECF was successfully completed in 2018 and Stage 2 environmental dredging is scheduled for completion in October 2021. Stage 3 ECF capping is scheduled to go out for tender later this year with project completion scheduled for October 2023. Upon completion the ECF will be developed, monitored and maintained by HOPA as a marine terminal.  Cleaning up Randle Reef is a critical step towards restoring Hamilton Harbour and removing it from the list of AOCs that are described in the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.


Roger Santiago, Head of the Sediment Remediation Unit, Environment and Climate Change Canada

3:20 pm - 4:20 pm

Overcoming Brownfield Technical Challenges

Sometimes the challenges at brownfield sites require a technical solution. What are the pioneering technical approaches being evolved to address today’s challenges? In this fast-paced session, you'll learn about more efficient, cost-effective ways to revitalize brownfields sites.
Meggen Janes, Principal, Geosyntec
Albert Ho, Senior Director of Environmental Programs, First Capital REIT
Stephanie Clarke, B.A., Environmental Consultant, WSP
Laura Kinsman, Professional, Savron
Bruce Tunnicliffe, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., President Vertex Environmental Inc.
David Hofbauer, Team Lead for Air Quality, WSP
4:20 pm - 4:35 pm

Break - Networking Speed Meetings (Sponsored by Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP)

Want to a chance to network with other attendees at the event?  Sharpen your elevator pitch for these fast paced one-on-one business meetings!  Click the "Ready" button to be paired with another attendee.  Watch the clock, and simply click the button to share business card contact information to catch up again later.
4:35 pm - 5:00 pm

HUB (Heroes Underpinning Brownfields) Awards

Since 2016 CBN has recognized brownfielders who are making a significant contribution to the progress of brownfield redevelopment in Canada.  



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