CBN Board of Directors 2024-2025
The CBN is federally incorporated and operating under a Governance and Revenue Model with two levels of membership: Corporate/Association, and Individual. The Board of Directors is elected from the membership at large, and committees are created as required. The Board of Directors provides leadership to the CBN, including: setting the strategic direction of the CBN, establishing goals and objectives, and prioritizing research/advocacy efforts.

Krista Barfoot
Infrastructure Sector Leader
SLR Consulting
Guelph, ON

Monisha Nandi
Director of Environment and Development EngineeringKilmer Brownfield Management Limited
Toronto, ON

Carl Spensieri
VP Environment
Berkley Canada
Toronto, ON

Prasoon Adhikari
Manager, Environmental Compliance and Utility Performance
City Of Kitchener
Kitchener, ON

Judy Lam
Manager, Commercial Districts and Small Business
City of Hamilton
Hamilton, ON

Ric Horobin
Principal Hydrogeologist & Northern Operations Manager
SLR Consulting
Whitehorse, YT

Andrew Macklin
Senior Advisor, Media and Public Affairs
WSP Canada
Toronto, ON

David Meikle
Western Regional Manager
Milestone Environmental Contracting Inc.
Vancouver, BC

Reanne Ridsdale
PhD Candidate
Toronto Metropolitan University
Toronto, ON

Diana Saccone
Senior Vice President, Technology
Toronto, ON

Peter Sutton
VP Environmental Services
Toronto, ON
Joanna Vince
Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
Toronto, ON

Christopher De Sousa
Professor, School of Urban & Regional Planning
Toronto Metropolitan University
Toronto, ON

John Georgakopoulos
Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
Toronto, ON

Kate Tang
former insurance CFO
Toronto, ON

Grant Walsom
Principal Engineer/Senior Technical Advisor
Trace Associates
Kitchener, ON
Executive Director

Meggen Janes
Toronto, ON
Operations Administrator

Helena Gomes
Toronto, ON
Event & Communications Coordinator
Michelle Trent
Vancouver, BC