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Pre-Conference Site Tour

Tuesday, May 02, 2023 (EDT)

Time A behind-the-scenes tour of one of Canada’s largest brownfield redevelopment projects.
1:00 - 3:00 PM



In 2017 Kilmer Group, Dream, DiamondCorp, and FRAM + Slokker  established Port Credit West Village Partners to revitalize a 72-acre former oil refinery in Port Credit, Mississauga, which had sat vacant for three decades.  An integrated approach to the remediation, planning, design, and construction of this brownfield unlocked these lands to create an award-winning master-planned community: Brightwater.  Transformation of the lands into a transit-oriented and connected community is progressing at an exciting pace, with source remediation complete,  construction of new “complete streets” with low-impact design elements for innovative stormwater management and active transportation underway, and the first phase of buildings nearing completion of construction. 

Once developed, this new lakefront community will offer 3,000 new townhouse and condominium units, a large waterfront park and open space network (totalling over 18 acres), as well as a mix of commercial, retail and institutional uses, and will be the first development in Mississauga to target LEED ND certification. 

Join the team for a trip through the project’s successes to date in planning, remediation, and infrastructure installation, and a sneak peak at the future with the first buildings nearing occupancy.

Special rate for conference delegates is available.

Pre-registration is required, register now at:

CBN Annual Conference Program

Wednesday, May 03, 2023 (EDT)


Session title
7:30 - 8:30 AM

Registration, Networking, Continental Breakfast

8:30 - 8:45 AM

Welcome Remarks


John GeorgakopoulosB.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., LL.B., Partner, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP and President, Canadian Brownfields Network

Tammy Lomas-JylhaExecutive Director, Canadian Brownfields Network and President, Lomas-Jylha Consulting


Andrew Macklin, Media and Public Affairs Specialist - Canada, WSP

Krista Barfoot, Ph.D., C.Chem., QPRA, Infrastructure Sector Leader, SLR Consulting

Sponsor Remarks

Carl Spensieri, VP Environment, Berkley Canada

8:45 - 9:55 AM

Sustainable Remediation and Redevelopment

How do we ensure that the properties we redevelop aren’t leaving an environmental legacy that will have to again been cleaned up decades from now? Our speakers will look at the importance of incorporating sustainable materials and practices into remediation activities as we work to improve both the current and future environmental footprint of the brownfield site.


Sustainability Introduction

Stéphanie Bohdanow, Lead, Land Use Sector Development, Green Municipal Fund, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)

Sustainable Development of the Bata Shoe Factory Project

Heather Dubbeldam, OAA, FRAIC, LEED AP, WELL AP – Principal, Dubbeldam Architecture + Design

Dev Mehta, B.A.S., M.Arch., OAA, LEED GA – Principal, BDP Quadrangle

Measuring Sustainability in Remediation

Cherilyn Mertes, M.Sc., P.Geo (Limited), Senior Scientist, Geosyntec Consultants

Nature-Based Solutions for Remediation

Bruce Tunnicliffe, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., President, Vertex Environmental Inc.

9:55 - 10:45 AM

Affordable Housing

One of the greatest development challenges facing communities across Canada is the need for an expedited increase to affordable housing stock. In many cities, utilizing existing brownfield properties offers an important solution for addressing the affordable housing stock, with builds in established parts of the city near amenities needed by these new residents. Our experts will discuss how municipalities are using brownfields to tackle the affordable housing issue, and offer examples of successes from across the country.


Paul H. Cheung, M.Env.Sc, QPRA, Environmental Risk Assessor, Terrapex Environmental Ltd.


Affordable Housing Introduction

Joe Mancini, Director, The Working Centre

Jennifer Volpato, District Engineer, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

10:45 - 11:00 AM

Networking Break

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Energy Transition

Not every brownfield property can be redeveloped into a new building asset for the community. But that doesn’t mean that these sites should sit as empty eyesores for residents. Instead, alternative uses should be explored, uses that can help communities reach their goal of reducing their carbon footprint. In this session, we explore how brownfield properties can provide support for the energy transition fueling Canada’s future low-carbon economy.


Reese McMillanM.Sc., QPRA, Head of Risk Assessment, DS Consultants Ltd.


Energy Transition - Nova Scotia Initiative

Lenta Wright, Project Development & Operations Manager, AREA

Woodfibre LNG Project, former site of the Woodfibre Pulp Mill

Daria Hasselmann, Senior Manager, Community Affairs, Woodfibre LNG Vancouver

Rapid Transition of Abandoned Oil & Gas Wells - Renuwell

Keith Hirsche, Founder & President, Renuwell Energy

12:15 - 1:30 PM

Lunch and Keynote Presentation

Sponsor Remarks and Introduction

QM Environmental


Matt Jamieson, MBA, ICD.D, President and CEO,

Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation

1:30 - 3:00 PM

Climate Resiliency

Brownfield properties represent valuable opportunities to improve climate resilience in a community. Incorporating resilience measures in their development can have a positive impact on surrounding properties, and have become a key component of many cities’ climate action plans. In discussion with community partners from across the country, we’ll learn how brownfield redevelopment is improving the resilience of climate-sensitive areas and what additional considerations are needed for climate resilient brownfields.


Kyle VanderMeer, Environmental Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Services, Development and Environmental Engineering, City of Guelph


Climate Resiliency and Brownfields - The BC Approach

Lavinia Zanini, M.Sc., P.Geo, Senior Contaminated Sites Officer, Land Remediation, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

Climate Change and Potential Liability for Brownfields Redevelopment

Raeya Jackiw, Associate, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers

Developing Climate Resilient Conceptual Site Models

Dylan Hemmings, M.Sc., P.Geo (Limited), Vice President and Regional Leader, Ontario, Stantec

Considering Climate Change and Resiliency Factors in the Design of the Remediation Program

Tom Li, P.Eng., M.A.Sc., M.B.A., Ontario Business Operations and Development Manager, Parsons

3:00 - 3:30 PM

Networking Break / Poster Sessions

3:30 - 4:45 PM

Developer Perspective Panel Discussion

There are brownfield sites sitting in communities across Canada, lying vacant, waiting for someone to purchase the property, create a plan, and develop the property into a new asset. But there are still barriers that exist that prevent developers from choosing brownfields over greenfield properties found elsewhere. In this session, we welcome members of the development community as they share their stories on the barriers they have faced, or are facing, in turning municipal brownfields into community assets. 


Suvish Melanta, Peng. OP-ESA, Associate, Environmental Engineering Services Grounded Engineering


Greg Gilbert, Vice President, Planning, Fitzrovia

Melissa Walker, Development Director, Kilmer Group

Paul Cope, Senior Director Development, Dream Unlimited

Stefania Sottile, B.E.S., E.M.P.D., EP Director, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety, Choice Properties REIT

4:45 - 5:00 PM

Closing Remarks


Andrew Macklin, Media and Public Affairs Specialist - Canada, WSP

Krista Barfoot, Ph.D., C.Chem., QPRA, Infrastructure Sector Leader, SLR Consulting

Sponsor Remarks

Grounded Engineering

5:00 - 7:00 PM

HUB Awards & Reception

HUB Awards

Join us as we celebrate individual excellence in brownfields through the presentation of the 7th Annual HUB Awards.

Who will join our roster of brownfield all-stars this year?

Presented By



Foundation Award


Pillar Award


Vision Award






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