Tuesday, April 5, 2022 (EDT)
Time | Session title |
12:30 - 1:00 PM |
Pre-Show and Networking
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1:00 - 1:05 PM |
1:05 - 1:10 PM |
President's Message
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1:10 - 1:35 PM |
Kickoff - Keynote Speaker
Legal Framework for ESG
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1:35 - 1:45 PM |
1:45 - 3:15 PM |
Enivronment Session
![]() Methods to Promote Nature-Based Solutions in the Management of Contaminated Sites in a Changing Climate As contaminated site management moves toward risk management rather than resource intensive remediation, information and computing technologies (ICT) will be increasingly applied. These advances have resulted in the development of methods for the estimation of natural attenuation rates in the subsurface. While historically, the focus has been on biodegradation processes occurring in the saturated zone and impacts to groundwater, review of literature and guidance support the greater role of natural depletion processes and pathways in the vadose zone. This presentation provides an overview of the natural source zone depletion (NSZD) processes and pathways along with methods for the quantification of the rates. The estimated rates can be used as metrics to inform decision making in the selection and performance monitoring of remedial systems. In parallel to sustainable remediation, climate resiliency measures factor into the site management process, based on climate change projections that can be region and site specific. These projections include sea level rise, flooding, precipitation, wildfires and land erosion as identified in various guidance on climate adaptation for remediation of contaminated sites. In addition, high subsurface complexity, varying land and local weather conditions strongly impact contaminant fate and transport to make each site unique. Addressing the uniqueness of sites in a changing climate requires 1) sustainable remediation for reducing the environmental footprint; and 2) adapting to the climate change impacts by considering remedial timeframes and performance monitoring of remedial systems.
Presenter: Catalyzing Brownfield Revitalization for Regenerative Development In this session, participants will learn about the significant triple bottom line impacts that the revitalization of underutilized lands through regenerative development brings to communities and cities. Drawing on international and local case studies and examples from her own experience and expertise working on major revitalization projects across Canada, and now as a board member for the Thames Estuary Growth board in the UK, Carla will explore the key approaches and strategies to revitalizing underutilized lands. Given urban growth pressures, climate change impacts and the strained economic conditions of our cities, the opportunity to revitalize our post industrial, underutilized waterfront lands is both timely and unparalleled. Post industrial underutilized waterfronts present some of the largest unrealized potential for cities around the world. Waterfront revitalization creates exponential opportunity for addressing key challenges that cities face like reducing urban sprawl, mitigating and adapting to climate change, generating economic return on investment and creating social equity for cities. Successful case studies and lessons learned from globally award-winning revitalization projects demonstrating regenerative development. These projects have transformed cities to achieve significant social, environmental and economic impacts that have had ripple effects across the cities and region.
Presenter: Leveraging Large Scale Brownfield Developments to Enhance Climate Change Adaptation and Carbon Reduction Strategies Leveraging Large Scale Brownfield Developments to Enhance Climate Change Adaptation and Carbon Reduction Strategies" This presentation explores opportunities to use large scale brownfield developments as a catalyst to promote the inclusion of design features that enhance the implementation of climate change adaptation opportunities and/or to include community wide carbon reduction strategies. Rather than being a review of projects or specific technologies the intent of this presentation is to provide a summary of items, tasks, technologies or actions to consider in the redevelopment of a brownfield site. It is further a challenge to brownfield professionals, planners, designers, regulators and site owners to critically consider these options.
This presentation will explore the following themes:
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3:15 - 3:20 PM |
Closing Remarks
Wednesday, April 6, 2022 (EDT)
Time | Session title |
12:30 - 12:35 PM |
Welcome and Overview of Day One
12:35 - 1:50 PM |
Social Session
Former Fraser Cedar Mill Site and IR5 Remediation and Restoration The Fraser Cedar site is an important Fraser River foreshore area on Kwantlen Indian Reserve No. 1, in Whonnock. ‘IR5’ is Kwantlen Indian Reserve No. 5, located across and upriver from the community. Both sites are subject to historical contamination; one the result of a former cedar mill and the other a former landfill. These areas were traditionally used by ancestors of the Kwantlen people, and continues to be an important area for Kwantlen’s future generations. Seyem’Qwantlen and Milestone Environmental Contracting Inc. established a joint venture to complete the remediation of the mill site and subsequently the former landfill as the partnership has expanded in scope and capacity. Numerous technical challenges were overcome through innovative approaches, and each illustrate an evolution of working collaboratively and respectfully with Kwantlen First Nation, various levels of government, consultants, and others to remediate each site for development and the use and benefit of future generations of the Kwantlen people. The ESG Social aspects of this project include:
Presenters: Northlands Denesuline First Nation The Northlands Denesuline First Nation in Manitoba is a remote, Northern community, a 24hr drive from Winnipeg on winter roads. This community was one of a few communities completely reliant on diesel. The latest diesel contamination was at the community’s only school. Instead of conducting remediation alone, the community devised a plan to eliminate all future diesel spills by integrating green energy systems in their community. This project included 1000 solar panels, district biomass heating, and geothermal energy. This innovative project that started with remediation has created energy sovereignty, and freed up significant budget to invest directly in their community. Hear why this innovative project is so important for communities in the face of community well-being, job security, and climate change.
Presenters: Brownfields and Affordable Housing in Hamilton As housing affordability continues to decline, underutilized and vacant brownfield sites provide a unique opportunity to provide new housing in existing urbanized areas. This presentation will focus on examples of such developments occurring in the City of Hamilton and include a discussion of the City’s recent use of Community Improvement Plans and financial assistance/incentive programs to further promote affordable housing projects in the City, including forthcoming opportunities through the City’s upcoming review of its Environmental Remediation and Site Enhancement (ERASE) financial assistance programs for brownfields.
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1:50 - 2:00 PM |
2:00 - 2:50 PM |
Governance Session
Presenter: Missing Links: Leveraging Brownfield Expertise Across An Organization How are brownfields defined by various ESG rating agencies and building standards? What demands exist elsewhere in your organization for successful brownfield management that you may not be aware of? How important is your ESG and brownfield management to lenders and insurers and how can internal teams best coordinate to gather information and highlight wins with success? These are some of the questions brownfield professionals need to think of in 2022 and will be addressed in this session.
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2:50 - 3:50 PM |
Panel Discussion
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3:50 - 4:00 PM |
4:00 - 4:30 PM |
HUB (Heroes Underpinning Brownfields) Awards
Since 2016 CBN has recognized brownfielders who are making a significant contribution to the progress of brownfield redevelopment in Canada.
Category Sponsor
All sessions will take place on Zoom.