Supporting Organizations

Role of Support Organizations

The CBN has developed strategic alliances with industry associations and other organizations that have a vested interest in brownfields redevelopment in Canada. Our goal is to develop a truly national network that works with existing not-for-profit associations and organizations to provide a forum for communication and discussion on brownfields redevelopment and site remediation in Canada. Support Organizations actively encourage brownfields redevelopment and support CBN initiatives.

Supporting Organizations






Media Partners

Benefits and Obligations of Becoming a Support Organization

There are no costs associated with becoming a support organization of the CBN. As a support organization, we will place your organization's logo on the CBN website and on select promotional materials. Organizations are asked to post CBN information, logo when possible, and a website link to the CBN main page from your website. We encourage support organizations to promote the benefits of CBN membership to your members.

Becoming a Support Organization

If your organization is interested in becoming a support organization, please contact the CBN.

Introducing CBN's Corporate Members
  • Geosyntec Consultants
  • Vertex Environmental
© 2024 Canadian Brownfields Network. All rights reserved.