Achievements and History

This page lists CBN's achievements from our inception to 2009. For more recent achievements, please see our home page.


September 2009
CBN becomes federally incorporated and operates under independent management

June 2009
Submission to The Premier of Ontario
CBN submitted a letter to the The Premier of Ontario in regards to renewable energy for electricity and brownfield redevelopment.

May 2009
Submission to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
CBN submitted a letter to the Ontario Minister of the Environment in regards to how the CBN could assist the MOE in its brownfield objectives. This letter is a follow-up to the April 27, 2009 meeting between the CBN and the Minister of the Environment (view meeting agenda) and includes a summary of four issues regarding taxation and incentives with respect to brownields.

April 2009
Meeting with Minister Gerretsen, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
CBN met with Minister Gerretsen to discuss how the CBN could assist the MOE in its brownfield objectives (view meeting agenda).


December 2008
Submission to the Province of Ontario
CBN submitted a letter to the Province of Ontario in response to Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) Posting #010-4642 - Proposal for Amending Ontario Regulation 153/04

October 2008
Canadian Brownfields 2008
CBN in association with the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) presented the 2008 Canadian Brownfields Conference - Toronto, Ontario, including:

The 9th Annual Brownfields Conference and Tradeshow
The 8th Annual Brownie Awards
The 5th Annual General Meeting for CBN Members

CBN Governance and Revenue Model and Dissolution of the CBN Advisory Panel

The CBN is now operating under a new Governance and Revenue Model with three levels of membership including Executive, Corporate, and Individual. The Executive members form the basis of the Executive Committee and subcommittees will be created as required. Under this new Model, there is no longer a role for an Advisory Panel so it has been officially dissolved.

The CBN Executive would like to thank each of the Advisory Panel Members for their dedication and commitment to the CBN. As recognized leaders in the brownfields industry, their participation and input to the CBN were extremely valuable in assisting the CBN to meet its mandate. Their contributions are greatly appreciated.

Special Pre-Conference Workshop: Brownfields 101
The Canadian Brownfields Network presented Brownfields 101 in Toronto prior to HOT PROPERTIES: Canadian Brownfields 2008. Brownfields 101 looked at Brownfield redevelopment as an opportunity to build a community's economic base. Through interactive discussions between the panel and audience, local government, property owners and developers learned how to optimize their underutilized brownfield sites. 

March 2008
A Review of Canada's Progress in Response to the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy's 2003 National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy
The CBN supported the research initiative: A Review of Canada's Progress in Response to the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy's 2003 National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy. The work was carried out by OCETA. NRTEE conducted a market research study to identify the actions that have been undertaken in response to the recommendations in the NRTEE Brownfield Strategy including initiatives and activities since 2003, current market leaders, and relevant barriers. A summary of this report is available here (PDF). View the full report here (PDF). A summary of Tools and Resources is available here (PDF).


December 2007
Jurisdictional Review of Contaminated Site Qualified Professionals Programs
The CBN supported the research initiative: Jurisdictional Review of Contaminated Site Qualified Professionals Program. The work was carried out by OCETA and in conjunction with the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI), the Cement Association of Canada, Kilmer Brownfield Equity Fund L.P., and the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters. The jurisdictional review of the contaminated site QPs provides an overview and analysis of the QP programs currently in place to identify "best practices". The outcomes from this review can be used by government and industry stakeholders in Canada that are developing or redesigning their QP programs. A summary of this report is available here (PDF). View the full report here (PDF)

October 2007
Canadian Brownfields 2007
CBN in association with the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) presented the 2008 Canadian Brownfields Conference - Montreal, Quebec, including:

The 8th Annual Brownfields Conference and Tradeshow
The 7th Annual Brownie Awards
The 4th Annual General Meeting for CBN Members

Press Release: Greening the Canadian Urban Landscape - The Brownfield Network
October 16, 2007 (MONTREAL) - A national network of associations, corporations and individuals involved in the remediation and redevelopment of property is calling upon the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments to speed up the redevelopment of underutilized and undervalued sites, or "Brownfields" in Canada. The Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN) engages hundreds from both private and public sectors and is the focal point for brownfields in Canada. ( View the full press release )

September 2007
Review of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Green Municipal Fund (FCM-GMF) Brownfield Request for Proposal Experience 
OCETA, on behalf of the CBN and in conjunction with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), conducted a review of FCM's Green Municipal Fund Brownfield Loan Request for Proposal (RFP) experience and results to date. This review included a survey of municipalities, developers, and consultants as well as a review of the previous Brownfield Loan RFPs that FCM issued in 2005 and 2006. Opportunities were identified to improve the "value proposition" of the Brownfield RFP as well as to streamline the process. A report on the results of this study and recommendations has been provided to FCM.

June 2007
Building Capacity in Ontario's Municipalities: Brownfield Training Workshops, June 2007 
Sponsored by the CBN, these three highly interactive Brownfield Training Workshops built on the success of the workshops that were offered in the spring of 2006. The workshops were held in Barrie, Burlington, and Ottawa and were facilitated and chaired by OCETA. These workshops were developed and delivered by OCETA and in collaboration with the Province of Ontario and the CBN.

Designed exclusively for municipal staff, these 1½ day training workshops provided participants with the practical knowledge required to encourage redevelopment activities. Participants learned the latest information on brownfields, including legislative and regulatory developments; municipal financing tools; and the use of technology as a decision-making tool. These workshops were well received, with much positive feedback.

February 2007
Joint Submission to Province of Ontario (Joint Submission in PDF)
In keeping with its vision to advocate brownfields redevelopment, the CBN coordinated a joint submission to Premier McGuinty and the Ontario Provincial Ministers to indicate support for the principles of the legislative changes outlined in the Province of Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) posting # AF07E0001 Proposal - Potential Components for Legislative Brownfield Reform. Signed by 16 organizations, the joint submission commended the Province of Ontario on their initiative to prepare this Legislative Brownfield Reform Proposal and to identify the potential components of a reform package. It noted that the proposed legislative changes identified in the EBR posting do not respond to all barriers that have been identified by stakeholders but the group supported the intent and direction of the legislative changes proposed at this time. The group urged the government to ensure that this matter is placed on the legislative agenda and earmarked for passage in the spring session.


October 2006
Canadian Brownfields 2006
CBN in association with the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) presented the 2008 Canadian Brownfields Conference - Toronto, Ontario, including:

The 7th Annual Brownfields Conference and Tradeshow
The 6th Annual Brownie Awards
The 3rd Annual General Meeting for CBN Members

Highlights of CBN Achievements (CBN Achievement Table in PDF)

September 2006
Joint Submission to Province of Ontario
The CBN coordinated a joint submission to the Province of Ontario with 16 other stakeholder organizations advocating brownfield redevelopment as a critical component of building strong, healthy and sustainable communities. The submission focused on three key barriers: liability, financing and technical.(Joint Submission in PDF)

June 2006
Building Capacity in Ontario's Municipalities: Brownfield Training Workshops(London, Burlington, and Kingston)
Sponsored by the CBN, these training workshops were a unique opportunity designed exclusively for Ontario municipal staff interested or involved in brownfield redevelopment as well as consultants who assist municipalities with developing brownfield strategies and financial incentives. The workshops were developed and delivered by OCETA and in collaboration with the Province of Ontario, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and the CBN.

February 2006
Ontario Brownfields Knowledge Workshop Series: Building Capacity for Brownfields Redevelopment and Revitalization (SudburyKingston,Sarnia/Lambton, and York Region)
CBN sponsored four brownfield events held in Ontario. These informative workshops, developed and delivered by OCETA and aboutREMEDIATION in collaboration with the Province on Ontario, Ontario Centres of Excellence, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Environment Canada and the CBN, were designed to increase awareness and build local capacity to engage in remediation activities and successful redevelopment projects.

Brownfields Workshop: Transforming Brownfields into Productive Community Assets
CBN sponsored the brownfield event delivered as part of FCM's 2006 Sustainable Communities National Conference and Tradeshow. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) collaborated with OCETA and to deliver an informative and motivating workshop on brownfields redevelopment in Canada. The workshop provided attendees with practical information on how to start the brownfields redevelopment process, and how to develop programs and policies that result in successful redevelopment projects.


November 2005
CBN submitted a Letter of Advocacy to the Minister of Finance, The Honourable Ralph Goodale, regarding "Deductibility of Interest and Other Expenses"

CBN made a joint submission with the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance recommending the deductibility of remediation expenses from other income

CBN sponsored the Brownfield Workshop held in Saint John, NB. OCETA and developed and delivered the Brownfields Workshop: Making it Happen, Redevelopment and Revitalization in Saint John, NB in collaboration with the Saint John Waterfront Development Partnership.

October 2005
CBN sponsored the Banff Brownfields Workshop, that was developed and delivered by OCETA and, and held in association with the 2006 RemTech Conference hosted by ESAA.

Canadian Brownfields 2005
CBN in association with the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) presented the 2008 Canadian Brownfields Conference - Ottawa, Ontario, including:

The 6th Annual Brownfields Conference and Tradeshow
The 5th Annual Brownie Awards
The 2nd Annual General Meeting for CBN Members

CBN along with the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and other stakeholders submitted a letter to Finance Minister Goodale to recommend removal of proposed restrictions on the deductibility of interest and other expenses.

September 2005
CBN worked with HazMat Management Magazine to launch of the first Canadian Brownfields Chronicle in the August/September issue of HazMat Management Magazine

June 2005
CBN established a partnership with HazMat Management magazine to create a supplement called the Canadian Brownfields Chronicle. All CBN members received a complementary subscription. View Press Release

May 2005
CBN supported the Ontario Municipal Brownfields Toolbox (launched in May 2005) developed by OCETA and

April 2005
CBN collaborated with CUI, OCETA, EcoLog Information Resources Group to develop and deliver the workshop, Development of the Green Municipal Fund's Financing Concept for Brownfields Redevelopment (Ontario Pilot Project), on behalf of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).

March 2005
CBN and the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) hosted a workshop on Strategic Solutions for the Removal of Liens and Tax Arrears Workshop.

CBN sponsored the Thunder Bay Brownfields Knowledge Workshop (developed and delivered by OCETA and aboutREMEDIATION.COM).

February 2005
CBN sponsored the Cornwall Brownfields Knowledge Workshop (developed and delivered by OCETA adn aboutREMEDIATION.COM).

CBN launched an e-newsletter for members.

Release of the Final Report of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Task Group on Contaminated Site Liability and Brownfields. CBN panel members Angus Ross, Sylvestre Fink and Adolfo Silva participated in the Task Group.

January 2005
CBN sponsored the North Bay Brownfields Knowledge Workshop (developed and delivered by OCETA and aboutREMEDIATION.COM).


November 2004
CBN submitted recommendations to the federal government to include financing for up-front costs of qualified brownfields in the budget.

October 2004
Canadian Brownfields 2004
CBN in association with the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) presented the 2008 Canadian Brownfields Conference - Toronto, Ontario, including:

The 5th Annual Brownfields Conference and Tradeshow
The 4th Annual Brownie Awards
The 1st Annual General Meeting for CBN Members

CBN sponsored the Niagara Brownfields Knowledge Workshop (developed and delivered by OCETA and aboutREMEDITION.COM).

July 2004
Appointment of CBN Advisory Panel Members.

March 2004
OCETA and Ecolog (founding organizations of the CBN) send letters to the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and their local MPs to advocate changes that would promote brownfields redevelopment.

Official launch of the CBN.

February 2004
Mr. Angus Ross agrees to chair the CBN Advisory Panel

January 2004
Annoucement of the formation of the CBN at the NRTEE Information Session, Ottawa, Ontario 


February 2003
Release of the NRTEE's National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy which recommended the creation of a Canadian national brownfields association for the purpose of increasing national awareness of the benefits to brownfield redevelopment.

Introducing CBN's Corporate Members
  • Geosyntec Consultants
  • Vertex Environmental
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