June 24, 2021 - CBN News

Call for New Committee Members

By: Andrew Macklin

As an active member of the Canadian Brownfields Network, we encourage you to take part in one of our industry committees. Our committees meet monthly or bi-monthly via teleconference calls, and work together to execute key industry activities and CBN initiatives.

There are five committees, and three ad hoc committees, that are part of the Canadian Brownfields Network: Brownie Awards (ad hoc), Communications, Conference (ad hoc), Development, Government Relations, HUB Awards (ad hoc), Membership, and Technical Advisory.

For descriptions about what each of these committees do for the Canadian Brownfields Network, please visit: https://www.canadianbrownfieldsnetwork.ca/about-cbn/cbn-committees

If you or a member of your team are interested in getting involved with one of our committees, please email our CBN Administrator Sim Frayne at: admin@canadianbrownfieldsnetwork.ca.

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