Conference Marketing Material



JUNE 15-16, 2021

Text Email Invitation


Dear Colleague,


I would personally like to invite you to register for the upcoming 2021 brownfields conference hosted by the Canadian Brownfields Network! This virtual event will begin on June 15 with the Canadian Brownfield Network’s Annual General Meeting and a panel discussion on Brownfields 2021 and will continue through the afternoon of June 16th (1 PM to 4:30 PM).


It is important that you attend this event as it attracts many professionals from across Canada. You will be able to learn from a diverse range of disciplines including land developers, engineering firms, environmental cleanup companies, and legal and financial experts.


There will be many opportunities for engagement including:

  • Case Studies:  Don’t reinvent the wheel! Learn from experience in this review of lessons learned and novel approaches to site redevelopment.
  • Delivery Barriers:  A review of brownfield redevelopment challenges from a planning, development, and finance perspective.  Come hear what municipal, development, lender, and international practitioners have to say about their experience overcoming brownfield challenges and what is needed to further innovate.
  • Technical Challenges:  Technical approaches to addressing brownfield challenges are ever evolving.  In this fast-paced session, you'll learn about more efficient, cost-effective ways to revitalize brownfields sites.
  • HUB Awards:  Join us as we recognize individual excellence in brownfields with our annual HUB Awards.

For more information, visit this link:


Social Media Text


Mark your calendars for the upcoming 2021 Brownfields Conference hosted by @CdnBrownfields! This year, we have many exciting sessions planned including case studies, delivery barriers, technical challenges and the HUB awards! For more info:




Mark your calendars as the date for the @Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN) conference is quickly approaching! This exciting conference is planned through June 15-16 where many exciting topics will be covered such as the relationship between development and finance in the successful redevelopment of brownfield sites. Additionally, there will be many opportunities for engagement as you will be able to participate in case studies, networking, and the presentation of the HUB awards! For more info: 




The Canadian Brownfield network is hosting a virtual conference on June 15-16. This annual brownfield conference will cover many exciting topics including the relationship between development and finance in the successful redevelopment of brownfield sites. You will also be able to attend many engaging sessions including case studies, delivery barriers, technical challenges, and the presentation of the HUB Awards!

What are you waiting for? Click this link for more info:

Downloadable Images

CBN Conference Banner (1200x364)

LinkedIn Image (1080x1080)

Kickoff Session 

Case Studies

Overcoming Delivery Barriers

Technical Challenges Session 



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