Conference Marketing Material


APRIL 5-6, 2022

Text Email Invitation

Dear Colleague,

I would personally like to invite you to register for the upcoming 2022 Canadian Brownfield Conference about Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Brownfield Land Development: Making the Connection hosted by the Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN). This will be a two half-day virtual conference that will take place during the afternoons of April 5 & 6, 2022. They will be delivering cutting edge content that explores the relationship between ESG and brownfield land development. CBN's annual conference attracts attendees from across Canada, including land developers, engineering firms, environmental remediation companies, and legal and financial experts. They will feature a number of engaging sessions including Case Studies, Panel Discussions, and the HUB Awards!

For more information, visit this link:

Social Media Text


Mark your calendars for the upcoming 2022 Brownfields Conference hosted by @CdnBrownfields! For more info:

#brownfieldsfirst #brownfieldfirst


Mark your calendars as the date for the @Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN) conference is quickly approaching! On April 5-6, 2022, we will be delivering cutting edge content that explores the relationship between ESG and brownfield land development. CBN's annual conference attracts attendees from across Canada, including land developers, engineering firms, environmental remediation companies, and legal and financial experts. For more info:

#brownfieldsfirst #brownfieldfirst


Mark your calendars as the date for the @Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN) conference is quickly approaching! On April 5-6, 2022, we will be delivering cutting edge content that explores the relationship between ESG and brownfield land development. CBN's annual conference attracts attendees from across Canada, including land developers, engineering firms, environmental remediation companies, and legal and financial experts. 

What are you waiting for? Click this link for more info:

Downloadable Images

CBN Conference Banner (1200x347)

CBN Conference Banner (1200x347) (with motion)

CBN Conference LinkedIn Post Image

CBN Conference LinkedIn Post Image (with motion)

Introducing CBN's Corporate Members
  • Geosyntec Consultants
  • Vertex Environmental
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