The CBN is now operating under a Governance and Revenue Model with three levels of membership including Executive, Corporate, and Individual. The Executive Members form the basis of Executive Committee and subcommittees will be created as required. Under this new Model, there is no longer a role for an Advisory Panel so it has been officially dissolved as of October 22, 2008.

Advisory Panel

(March 2004 - October 2008)

The CBN Advisory Panel was comprised of brownfield practitioners and stakeholders from across Canada and acted as the organization's "brain trust", providing direction to the CBN. Their goal was to coordinate Canadian interests and strengthen the brownfields redevelopment industry.

Specific objectives of the Advisory Panel:

  1. Promote national and regional interest.
  2. Assist in implementing key recommendations from the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy's National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy for Canada.
  3. Act as a liaison between government, stakeholders and practitioners.
  4. Identify key areas of research on site remediation and brownfields redevelopment.
  5. Promote discussion of these key issues and solutions throughout Canada using the online networking forum and directory (, regional events/workshops, and a national Brownfields Conference.

The Advisory Panel members were chosen from a select group of people who are recognized as leaders in the brownfields industry. The Panel represented the following sectors and regions:

  • Insurance, Finance, Municipal Government, Property Owners, Developers, Technical Practitioners, Planners, Law, Real Estate, Academia, Communications and national organizations involved in brownfields (CMHC, FCM, NRTEE, CREA)
  • Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Western Canada, UK Partnership, US Partnership, and National Organizations

Advisory Panel Members Included:

  • Bobechko, Janet, Partner, Blaney McMurtry LLP, Toronto. (bio)
  • Brennan, Jim, Director, External Relations, Canadian Real Estate Association, Ottawa.
  • Ceschi-Smith, Marguerite, Marguerite, Councillor, City of Brantford; AMO Brownfield Committee Member, Federation of Canadian Municipalities; and recipient of Brownfielder of the Year, CUI Brownie Awards. (bio)
  • Côté, Jacques, Director General, Société du Havre de Montréal.
  • Daigneault, Robert, Independent Lawyer specialized in brownfields, Montreal.
  • Dobson-Parks, Kate, Regional Manager of AIG Environmental, Toronto.
  • Evans, James, Manager of Risk Assessment with the Royal Bank of Canada; and Member of the Canadian Bankers Association, Toronto. (bio)
  • Fink, Sylvestre, Transportation, Environment Canada, formerly Project Officer with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Ottawa.
  • Friedmann, Peter, General Manager for Ontario, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Toronto.
  • Harper, Dave, Managing Partner - Environmental Risk Management, Kilmer Brownfield Management Ltd., Toronto (bio)
  • Jacques, Hector, Chairman, Jacques Whitford, Dartmouth.
  • Jacques, Steve Manager, Market Analysis & Research, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Toronto.
  • Ladd, Jon (deceased)*, Chief Executive, the British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA), London, England. (bio)
  • Latham, Todd, Publisher, ReNew Canada Magazine., Toronto. (bio)
  • Little-Collins, Christine Regional Manager for Canada, National Accounts, AIG Environmental, Toronto.
  • Miller Wagner, Danielle, Director, Brownfields Program, International City/Council Managers Association, Washington. (bio)
  • Millette, Louise, Director of the Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering Department at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal.
  • Morin, Daniel, Director, Contaminated Sites, DDH Environnement ltée, Montreal.
  • Pilon, Adrien, Vice-president, Montreal Centre of Excellence for Brownfields Restoration; and Director, Environment Sector, NRC-BRI, Montreal.
  • Prior, Bonnie Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), Ottawa.
  • Ross, Angus, CBN Advisory Panel Chair, President, L&A Concepts. (bio)
  • Salloum, Doug, Manager of Project Development and Portfolio Risk, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Ottawa.
  • Shishido, Ron, Partner, Dillon Consulting Ltd.; President, Canadian Institute of Planners, Markham. (bio)
  • Silva, Adolfo, National Director, Environmental Affairs, Canadian Petroleum Products Institute; and Member, Atlantic PIRI.
  • Stevens, John, President, Devon Estates, Toronto and Calgary, owner of sites operated by Imperial Oil Ltd.
  • Stiebel, Bill, Vice President, Principal Consultant, Jacques Whitford, Markham.(bio)
  • Van Belleghem, Joe, President & CEO, Windmill Development Group, Victoria.
  • van Velzen, Kevan, Manager, Environmental Assessment & Liabilities, City of Calgary. (bio)
  • Villemaire, Brian, Realtor, J.J. Barnicke Ltd.; and recipient of Brownfielder of the Year, Canadian Urban Institute Brownie Awards, Burlington.
  • Vincent, George Senior Regulatory Affairs Advisory, Devon Estates - ESSO Imperial Oil, Oakville.
  • Westeinde, Jeff Partner, Windmill Development Group & Quantum Group, Ottawa.

In Memory of Jon Ladd, Chief Executive, the British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA), London, England and CBN Advisory Panel Member: On January 4, 2009 Jon Ladd (Jonathan Peter Charles Ladd) passed away suddenly from an aggressive form of brain cancer that had being diagnosed just weeks earlier. Jon joined BURA in 2000 as Managing Director to help lead the financial and strategic development of the company. Jon helped develop the BURA Steering and Development Forum, an influential cross-sectoral partnership think-tank concerned with shaping and influencing urban regeneration policy in the UK. In 2002 was appointed Chief Executive of BURA. Since this time has overseen the implementation of the organisation's Regeneration Training Programme that seeks to provide the core set of knowledge, understanding and skills required to facilitate successful regeneration. In August 2004 Jon Ladd accepted an appointment to the inaugural CBN Advisory Panel Board and remained a member until his death in January 2009. Jon provided a valuable international perspective to the CBN, and contributed to the outstanding caliber of the board as a whole. Jon Ladd's contribution to the CBN is much appreciated, and he will be sadly missed. In memory of Jon, his name and biography will continue to be listed on the CBN Web site.

Introducing CBN's Corporate Members
  • Geosyntec Consultants
  • Vertex Environmental
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